LeaRn more about Humane Animal HAndling
Fully Committed to Humane Animal Handling
We work hard to assure the well-being of all our veal calves and lambs from the farms where they are raised, through transportation and processing. On our farms veal calves are untethered and can freely socialize with other calves in spacious barns. Our lambs are free to graze on lush pastures on our sheep farms and ranches. Excellent care and humane treatment of our animals are fundamental responsibilities for us and our livestock partners.

Untethered & Group Housed
Untethered and group housed, animals move freely to socialize with easy access to sunlight and fresh water.

Gentle Handling & Proper Nutrition
Gentle handling and proper nutrition reduce stress and assure natural growth.

Personalized Professional Care
Personalized, monitored care by animal technicians and veterinarians ensure animal health and well-being.
Transported Safely & Comfortably
Special trucks transport animals safely and comfortably, minimizing stress and preventing injuries.

State-of-the-Art Abattoir Design
State-of-the-art abattoir design based on the principles of humane animal welfare by Dr. Temple Grandin.

Round-the-Clock Monitoring
Round-the-clock monitoring from farm to final destination, including 24/7 third party video surveillance.